Progressives Vs. Bifocals

Optometrist & Specialty Contact Lenses Professional located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Differences in bifocals and progressive lenses

There are many differences when comparing bifocal to progressive lens. Each lens offers its own set of pros and cons, but it is up to you to determine which lens is right for you. Let's take a closer look at each lens and see what makes them different. 

What are bifocals?

Bifocals are a type of lens that contain distance correction at the top of the lens and a reading portion at the bottom of the lens. 

What are progressives?

Progressives are often called no line bifocal because they do not have a line that can be seen. Progressives contain distance correction at the top of the lens, a reading portion at the bottom of the lens, and an intermediate zone in the middle of the lens which is perfect for computer screens and laptops.

Which lens is better?

The best vision correction ultimately depends on your lifestyle and work habits. Progressive lenses provides clear vision at all distances. If you work on any digital device or if you do not like the look of the line, then progressives are right for you. 

If you just need clear vision for distance and near and do not mind the line, then bifocals are right for you. 


Differences in bifocals and progressive lenses

There are many differences when comparing bifocal to progressive lens. Each lens offers its own set of pros and cons, but it is up to you to determine which lens is right for you. Let's take a closer look at each lens and see what makes them different. 

What are bifocals?

Bifocals are a type of lens that contain distance correction at the top of the lens and a reading portion at the bottom of the lens. 

What are progressives?

Progressives are often called no line bifocal because they do not have a line that can be seen. Progressives contain distance correction at the top of the lens, a reading portion at the bottom of the lens, and an intermediate zone in the middle of the lens which is perfect for computer screens and laptops.

Which lens is better?

The best vision correction ultimately depends on your lifestyle and work habits. Progressive lenses provides clear vision at all distances. If you work on any digital device or if you do not like the look of the line, then progressives are right for you. 

If you just need clear vision for distance and near and do not mind the line, then bifocals are right for you. 


Rancho Cucamonga

11940 East Foothill Blvd, Suite 103
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739

Hours Of Operation:

Monday:         9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday:        Varies
Wednesday:   9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday:       9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday:            9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday:       Closed
Sunday:         Closed